
I help bring ideas to life. Below you'll find some of the projects that I've worked on.

SC Spheres

SC Spheres is a secure document sharing platform. It is a progressive web application (PWA) with React on the frontend and Django, Docker and friends on the backend.


In 2019, Triple Black released SafePace as a solution that allows vulnerable people to move around safer across the country.

Health Market Inquiry

I worked on a web application for the HMI (run by the Competition Commission) that allowed the relevant parties to securely manage, share and access the various documents involved in the inquiry. This project was run by Willis Towers Watson.

Sis Joyce

I developed an AI powered chatbot, Sis Joyce for Triple Black. She answers medical questions by drawing on a wealth of information available online.


I worked with Triple Black to build Vosho, a dance app. You can read more about the journey here.

Retirement Calculator

I worked with NMG to build a Retirement Calcualtor that helps individuals plan for their retirement.

Medical Aid Assistants

I worked with Willis Towers Watson to develop various tools to assist the members of Nedgorup Medical Aid Scheme and Bankmed. Some examples include medical aid plan comparisons, finding a medical practitioner near you, medical tariff (ICD-10) code/cost lookups and plan benefit lookup tools.

Health Quality Assessment

I worked with Willis Towers Watson to develop a web portal for the HQA. This portal provides an overview and quarterly updates on the HQA indicator values for the various medical aid schemes and their benefit options in South Africa.

Spreadsheet Server

Spreadsheet Server is a python server harnessing the calculational ability of LibreOffice Calc (thanks to PyOO). It provides 'instant' access to the cell ranges of a set of spreadsheets. It has been instrumental in facilitating rapid web development by using a spreadsheet as the 'brains' of the application.

My Turn

I worked on an mobile game, "My Turn" with Next Question that made it to the finals of the Serious about games competition in 2017.


In 2017 I worked on HandyBuddy, a service that matches reputable service providers with discerning customers in real time.
